India is being optimistic about new openings in the current financial year, 2022. According to a report published by ‘The 11th Hiring Attrition and Compensation Trends Report 2022–23’, around 72% employers believe that there will be new job openings in the current financial year, and around 18% pointed towards replacement hiring. Furthermore, the report stated that the companies are internally planning to strengthen their workforce.
The report further stated that around 40% companies are planning to increase their team strength by 10–15%, and nearly 30% said that their companies are planning to add 10% more employees to their current teams. Therefore, as the business world is growing digital, more and more companies will seek talent in Data Science and Analytics, with the aim to scale their business. But, how would the companies grow their team and fetch talent in the required area? For this, EdTech companies have come into existence. The experts in these EdTech companies believe in bridging the gap between the requirements stated by the corporate houses and the talent owned by candidates.
Teksands is one such fast growing EdTech company, which works closely with corporate houses and individuals side by side. The experts at Teksands provide courses on Deep Tech that includes Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Python and other deep tech topics. These courses are designed with the intention to help working professionals achieve their career goals. On the other hand, through these programs skill development for employees is made easier. These high-quality training programs are application driven, structured to meet the needs of the candidates who wish to develop their career in the IT industry.
Teksands believe that the only way to stay ahead in the competition is by applying constant learning in organizations. Therefore, they also plan web development Bootcamp programs where the selected candidates are provided deep knowledge about a certain skill, so that they could get ready for the competition that’s waiting ahead for them.
Teksands works in coordination with both corporate houses and individuals. So, if you are a budding IT professional and you want to get ready for the market, you can get the required skill training under professional guidance at Teksands. The trainers here would make you understand the details of the IT industry, and help you prepare for future workforce. Teksands works with different big names from the IT industry, and thus, they know what the market would demand from their employees in the time to come. Individuals who are already working in the IT industry and want to stay prepared for the challenges to come, they get training for different courses under expert guidance.
Besides, Teksands also organizes the best online coding bootcamp to let individuals understand every nook and crook of coding before they apply for jobs. The 400 plus trainers at Teksands ensure optimum satisfaction to every candidate registered with them, and thus, they guarantee their students a good job with a reputed company.
Teksands is a digital focused start-up, where after complete research and analysis, new courses are introduced from time to time. To meet the changing dynamics of the tech industry, the trainers work in coordination with market experts. As a result, they put a sharp-focus on re-skilling the employees who are already working in the industry and have an experience to deal with different situations. That’s how the skill gap is filled. Teksands promotes experiential learning from leaders, and the training team includes highly competent trainers from the industry.